Defining the Data Model

The first thing we consider is the data we want to store (the state). After that we can focus on the messages, which trigger state transitions. All blockchain state must be stored in our merkle-ized store, that can provide validity hashes and proofs. This is exposed to the application as a basic key-value store, which also allows in-order iteration over the keys. On top of this, we have built some tools like secondary indexes and sequences, in a similar manner to how storm adds a orm on top of boltdb’s kv store. We have avoided struct tags and tried to type as strictly as we can (without using generics).

Define the Domain

Let us build a simple blog application. We will allow multiple blogs to exist, each one registering a unique name, and each blog may have a series of posts. The blog may contain rules as to who (which public keys) may post on that blog. We will also allow people to optionally register a profile tied to their public key to present themselves. We will not add comments, likes, or other features in order to keep the scope manageable. But we do immediately see that there are some 1:N relationship and secondary key lookups needed, so this is non-trivial and can provide a decent example for a real application.

What data do we need to store?

  • Blog: Unique name (slug), Full title, List of allowed authors
  • Post: Link to blog (with sequence), Title, Text, Author, Date
  • Profile: Link to author, Name, Description, Link to Posts

Select Primary Keys

Some of this data belongs in the primary key, the rest in the value. Weave introduces the concept of an Object which contains a Key ([]byte) and Value (Persistent struct). It can be cloned and validated. When we query we will receive this object, so we can place some critical information in the Key and expect it to always be present.

The primary key must be a unique identifier and it should be the main way we want to access the data. Let’s break down the four models above into keys and protobuf models:


Key: Use the unique name (slug) as the primary key.


Key: Use (blog slug, index) as composite primary key. This allows us to guarantee uniqueness and efficiently paginate through all posts on a given blog.


Key: Use (author address) as primary key.

Compile Protobuf

We add the compilation steps into our [Makefile](

Now we run make protoc to generate the go objects. (You will have to add and run the prototools section if you are using your own repo, we inherit that from root weave Makefile).

Using Buckets

When running your handlers, you get access to the root KVStore, which is an abstraction level similar to boltdb or leveldb. An extenstion can opt-in to using one or more Buckets to store the data. Buckets offer the following advantages:

  • Isolation between extensions (each Bucket has a unique prefix that is transparently prepended to the keys)
  • Type safety (enforce all data stored in a Bucket is the same type, to avoid parse errors later on)
  • Indexes (Buckets are well integrated with the secondary indexes and keep them in sync every time data is modified)
  • Querying (Buckets can easily register query handlers including prefix queries and secondary index queries)

All extensions from weave use Buckets, so for compatibility as well as the features, please use Buckets in your app, unless you have a very good reason not to (and know what you are doing).

To do so, you will have to wrap your state data structures into Objects. The simplest way is to use SimpleObj:

// It can be used as a template for type-safe objects
type SimpleObj struct {
	key   []byte
	value Model

And extend your protobuf objects to implement CloneableData:

This basically consists of adding Copy() and Validate() to the objects in state.pb.go. Just create a models.go file and add extra methods to the auto-generated structs. If we don’t care about validation, this can be as simple as:

// enforce that Post fulfils desired interface compile-time
var _ orm.CloneableData = (*Post)(nil)

// Validate enforces limits of text and title size
func (p *Post) Validate() error {
    // TODO
    return nil

// Copy makes a new Post with the same data
func (p *Post) Copy() orm.CloneableData {
    return &Post{
        Title:         p.Title,
        Author:        p.Author,
        Text:          p.Text,
        CreationBlock: p.CreationBlock,

Validating Models

We will want to fill in these Validate methods to enforce any invariants we demand of the data to keep our database clean. Anyone who has spent much time dealing with production applications knows how “invalid data” can start creeping in without a strict database schema, this is what we do in code.

We can do some basic checks and return an error if none of them pass:


What is with these ErrXYZ() calls you may think? Well, we could return a “normal” error like errors.New("fail"), but we wanted two more features. First of all, it helps debugging enormously to have a stack trace of where the error originally occurred. For this we use pkg/errors that attaches a stacktrace to the error that can optionally be printed later with a Printf("%+v", err). We also want to return a unique abci error code, which may be interpreted by client applications, either programmatically or to provide translations of the error message client side.

For these reasons, weave provides some utility methods and common error types in the errors package. The ABCI Code attached to the error is then returned in the DeliverTx Result.

Every package can define it’s own custom error types and error codes, generally in a file called errors.go. The key elements are:

// ABCI Response Codes
// tutorial reserves 400 ~ 420.
const (
    CodeInvalidText    uint32 = 400

var (
    errTitleTooLong       = fmt.Errorf("Title is too long")
    errInvalidAuthorCount = fmt.Errorf("Invalid number of blog authors")

// Error code with no arguments, check on code not particular type
func ErrTitleTooLong() error {
    return errors.WithCode(errTitleTooLong, CodeInvalidText)
func IsInvalidTextError(err error) bool {
    return errors.HasErrorCode(err, CodeInvalidText)

// You can also prepend a variable message using WithLog
func ErrInvalidAuthorCount(count int) error {
    msg := fmt.Sprintf("authors=%d", count)
    return errors.WithLog(msg, errInvalidAuthorCount, CodeInvalidAuthor)

Take a deeper look at the file and if you start using that pattern you will see the nicer debug messages, usable error codes, and the ability to check the type of error in your test code without resorting to string comparisons.

Custom Bucket

We want to enforce the data consistency on the buckets. All data is validated before saving, but we also need to make sure that all data is the proper type of object before saving. Unfortunately, this is quite difficult to do compile-time without generic, so a typical approach is to embed the orm.Bucket in another struct and just force validation of the object type runtime before save.

Secondary Indexes

Sometimes we need another index for the data. Generally, we will look up a post from the blog it belongs to and it’s index in the blog. But what if we want to list all posts by one author over all blogs? For this, we need to add a secondary index on the posts to query by author. This is a typical case and weave provides nice support for this functionality.

We add a indexing method to take any object, enforce the type to be a proper Post, then extract the index we want. This can be a field, or any deterministic transformation of one (or multiple) fields. The output of the index becomes a key in another query. Bucket provides a simple method to query by index. You can query by name like:

posts, err := bucket.GetIndexed(db, "author", address)

This will return a (possibly empty) list of Objects (keys and values) that have an author index matching the query.


You can also add an auto-incrementing sequence to a bucket. That isn’t so important in this case, but if you are curious how to use it, take a look at the escrow bucket in bcp-demo.